Monday, November 17, 2008


I think about this topic few years ago.. Mask.. There are many types of masks in this world.. Y ppl want to create mask? They don't like to show their faces? Or they are hiding something behind? Maybe u don't understand what am i saying here.. But i just want to say that wearing a mask is very tiring..


xnos said...

ya~~wearing a mask is very tired!!
but sometimes i think wear a mask just dun wanna let people see our expression. sad~angry~happy or wat~~
sometimes i also dun like express my feeling coz it may hurt people around us,it may make people around us angry..

HaPPyDeViL said...

Thanks for supporting me.. Hehe.. U r right.. Sometimes v really cannot show our true feelimgs to the rest of the world. Coz they may not happy to see it..

xnos said...

hehe..nvm lar!!no need thanks~~
i read your boy boy blog also..^^
next time ask him play guitar at convo~~haha!!nice nice!!

HaPPyDeViL said...

haha.. i think he wont play de la.. he's too shy to play in public..