Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To my friends..

Afraid of Confess

Love hurts when you break up with someone.

It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.

But love hurts the most:

When the person you love has no idea how you feel about him/her.


HamSapBear said...

true true, yet, courage not available
haha, in d end im still a scared kid.

HaPPyDeViL said...

Dont b scared.. Try ur best.. Then u hv no regret..

xnos said... deep~~
haha!!i agree also..^^
try our best..this one cannot then find another one..!!
(i always just said said only)^^

HaPPyDeViL said...

Not deep.. not deep.. U don't just say.. Must action also o.. :)

EnSoN said...


HaPPyDeViL said...

of coz u swt la.. too many gals surrounded u d.. too hot for u lo..