Monday, April 20, 2009

Forever love..

One day, my friend asked me whether i believe in love that last forever.. if refer to parental love, then i hv to say Yes.. if talking about boy-gal relationship, i'm not sure about the answer.. I try to believe in it.. i try.. but sometimes we just have to face the reality.. when i was young, i always heard ppl say want to break up or divorce in my mom shop.. I also saw couples quarrel or fight each other.. I'm so naive to believe that i won't be one of them in future.. I told myself i can find my true love and live happily ever after.. lol.. i think that time i watched too much fairytale.. hahaha.. I'm now back to real life d..


xnos said...

I agree with that statement..^^
but sometimes we also have to believe on the love abit..haha!!love can be so long term..the problem is whether can stay together for long time or not..=p
however lar..happy is most important..^^

HaPPyDeViL said...

ahaha.. u r rite about the problem.. can stay long or not.. lol